Reclub made it possible to organize the entire league on my own.

President, Vietnam Flag Football League


Created in 2020, Vietnam Flag Football League (VFFL) started with a few expatriates tossing the football in the park. As word spread and interest increased, a league was formed to introduce the game to locals and offer expats an opportunity to play the sport they loved abroad. They had a successful season one and aspirations of making a big impact on the local sports community.

... Then There Was One
Due to the pandemic, those plans were cut short, and all of the founding members stepped away. Not wanting the league to fold, Julian stepped up and took the reins as President of VFFL. He was the only person willing to manage the league, but was willing to accept the challenge because of his love of the game.
Time to Shake Things Up
Not one for complacency, Julian didn’t want to just maintain what was built, but improve the process. He needed a tool to manage everything in one place, but also one that would help bring his community together. There is a lively sports community in Ho Chi Minh City, so tapping into the city was essential.
New Year, New Playbook
Managing a niche sport in a developing country, VFFL had to try a new approach. They needed a tool that could make running the organization possible with just one leader. Arranging practices, assigning teams, running competitions, recruiting new players and streamlined communication in two languages all within one platform were essential to managing the league.
for Victory
Reclub has been vital to the success of VFFL. The platform allows the club to manage all aspects in one app seamlessly. With a robust sports community already established in Reclub, Julian is able to recruit new players weekly. VFFL has also been a vehicle for the local players to not only play, but compete at a high level. Kudos to VFFL for making flag football a staple of the sports community in Vietnam and growing the game abroad.

“Team generator, managing pickup games, competition and the stat features make organizing our sports club so easy!”

— Julian
President, Vietnam Flag Football League

Features Used


Squad up. Invite players already in the local sports community to join the club.


No spammy chats. Easy to find info for players looking for meet details only.


Setup in a snap. Registration, auto chats groups, seeding+ drawing, real-time stats.


Need a call-up? Tap into the locals and recruit the best players with Street Cred.

About Reclub

Reclub’s mission is to unite the global sports community and make our free tools accessible to all athletes.

We’re a public benefit company defined by the number of active sports communities we create, not our profitability.

Read our charter