Reclub is where the future of flag football plays

Tech Built for Flag Football

Manage pickup games, competitions or social events in a simple to use app
Set teams based on skill, gender or positions with intelligent team generator software
See who’s in, out, paid, no-showed and more
Record scores and stats in real-time
Club insights for club + player performance

Organizer Playbook

Member management, attendance + player tags
Automated scheduling and player notifications
Forum announcements and chat
Real time scores + stat tracking
Player performance tracking with club insights
Competition, scrimmage or social outings

Competitions Made Easy

No more excel and paper trails.
Team registration, schedules, standings + real-time stats all in one place.

Captains/ Staff/ Team Chats
Football focused chat. Automatic groups for each role to streamline communication.

Match Format Setup
Setup in a snap. Team registration, schedule generator, standings all in one place.

Auto-generated winner’s circle. Custom awards for MVP, Most Improved or Sponsors.

We Put the Social in Sports

Post-game hangouts are the best part of social sports.
Join a club, make some new friends, play the sport you love. It’s a win-win.

Reclub Reclub Facebook
Meetup LeagueApps
Local, Social, Sports Platform
Optimized for mobile
Free to use
Easy Access Information
No Chat Spam
Player Positions
Stat Tracking
Competition Management
Team Generator
One Touch RVP

“Team generator, managing pickup games, competition and the stat features make organizing our sports club so easy!”

- Julian, President, VFFL
Read Impact Story

“Reclub has solved a huge pain of match coordination and team structuring. The platform is simple and saves us a lot of time. ”

- Ethan, Head of League Operations, SFFA
Read Impact Story

Kickoff your club today.
Download Reclub.

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Reclub: A Mission That Moves

Reclub’s mission is to unite the global sports community and make our free tools accessible to all athletes.

We’re a public benefit company defined by the number of active sports communities we create, not our profitability.

Get behind a company with a cause.

Learn more about the mission